Pet Policy

Our Pet Policy

Fort Morgan RV Park is pet friendly and welcomes campers who travel and share their camping experience with their pets. However, to ensure all of our guests have a safe and enjoyable time, it is important that you read and abide by the following pet policy. Pets are welcome but their owners must be well behaved!

  1. Guest(s) may bring usual household pets such as dogs and cats. No other animals, livestock, poultry, reptiles, insects, or exotic pets are permitted.
  2. Two pet limit, if you have more than two pets please contact our office.
  3. NO PETS in the office, bathrooms, laundry room, or playground unless they are licensed service animals.
  4. Your pet must be kept on a leash of 6 feet or shorter whenever they’re outside your vehicle, RV, or pet-friendly cabin AND in control of their owner. Persons, including children, who are unable to control their pets must remove them from Fort Morgan RV Park, or the animal may be taken to/by local animal control authorities.
  5. Pets are not to be left tethered outside without the owner present.  If the dog is tethered outside while owners are present, the lead or leash should not exceed 6 feet long. No dog pens, fences, cages, etc allowed on site.
  6. All dogs must be registered with the office and current with vaccinations and rabies registration. Documentation must be readily available. Pets should be collared and have an identifying tag.
  7. No excessive barking. Example: consistently barking for longer than 5 minutes. 
  8. Pick up after your pet.  There are pet waste stations and disposal bags throughout the park for your convenience. Not picking up after your pet is reason to be asked to leave the campground; and/or you may be assessed a $100 fine per offense.
  9. For the protection of, and in consideration to other persons, noisy, aggressive, unfriendly, vicious, unruly, or poisonous pets are not allowed at Fort Morgan RV Park. Dogs must react politely to other dogs and to distractions. We do not accept any dog having a history of aggression, biting, or unfriendly behavior to other dogs and/or humans. If your dog shows behavior that is protective and unfriendly to strangers, please leave it home. If you decide to bring your dog and it exhibits this type of behavior the owner or manager will ask you to find other camping accommodations.

Fort Morgan RV Park owners and affiliates shall be held harmless and assume no responsibility, implied or otherwise, for dog bites or any pet related injuries. The owner of any pet is responsible for any injuries or damages caused by their pets. In addition, the owner of any pet that causes injury or damages to another is expected to resolve the issue directly with the injured party. Violation of these guidelines can result in the guest being asked to leave the park without a refund.

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